VSCode or Visual Studio is one of the best coding editors used to run any software program with a codebase written in JavaScript. It is lightweight and offers an incredible compilation speed. But what makes VSCode ideal for JavaScript developers is the long list of extensions.

These files allow professionals to add new features or functions to the editor window or integrate existing tools. Since VSCode is popular for its extensibility, the following article discusses the top ten extensions for JS.

JavaScript code snippets (ES6)

Once this extension is added to VS Code, developers can access the ES6 code snippets. These come built-in with the code editor window, allowing you to write a compact codebase. Some of the major snippets that can be accessed for ECMAScript 6 syntax are:

  1. imp: imports the module of fs from ‘fs’
  2. ime: imports all functions in alias mode from module import * as localAlias from ‘fs’
  3. ecl: exports the default class Calculator {}
  4. enf: exports the name function as in export const log = (parameter) => {console.log(parameter);}
  5. ece: exports the default class by extending the base class in the codebase

Path Intellisense

One of the major causes of reduced productivity is errors in file paths. For instance, developers often forget the paths to a specific JS file while dealing with a huge codebase. In this case, they must spend significant time traversing the path manually, opening room for errors. To reduce this impact, Path Intellisense is one of the best VS Code extensions for JS developers. It automatically finds the file path as professionals write a portion of the full name. Furthermore, it completes the file path extensions without requiring manual intervention.

Turbo Console Log

Developers depend on console logs to understand how the code has been performed once a trigger is initiated. It is mainly needed during debugging and understanding which step had erroneous code. In normal cases, one needs to type the logs manually. Had it been a few logs, performing the task manually wouldn’t be so difficult. But since developers need to deal with numerous logs, using the Turbo Console Log extension is better. It allows developers to add the log files with a simple keyboard shortcut.


One of the best extensions for JavaScript developers in VS Code is GitLens. It allows one to check any file history, knowing the code lines added or removed concerning a certain change in the software. Also, it allows developers to know more about the commits made and the changes being introduced due to the same. With the help of GitLens, managing Git repositories becomes much easier for developers.

Live Server

With the help of Live Server, developers can leverage the live reload functionality and deploy code changes to the web pages easily. They don’t have to wait for the actual code deployment to preview the entire webpage or the modified functionalities with this VS Code extension.


Tabnine is one of the most advanced VS Code extensions with which machine learning and AI can be leveraged for automated code completion. It offers numerous suggestions concerning the code, like execution on local or cloud servers, in-line or full-line code snippet, and many more.


Regarding a professional project, the JavaScript codebase can get pretty long. Many developers work on the same code, which is why there can be inconsistencies in coding formats. This can make reading the code, finding any module instantly, or modifying the snippets difficult. That’s why professionals must add the Prettier code formatter extension to the VS Code. No matter how many developers work on the codebase, it automatically aligns to code with a single formatting style.

Bracket Pair Colorizer 2

The Bracket Pair Colorizer 2 is essential for developers to traverse from one bracket to another easily. Most developers make mistakes in aligning the starting bracket with its ending pair, especially when nested brackets are involved. This extension highlights the bracket pair with different colors for better readability.

Better Comments

Better Comments allows developers to write comments within the codebase efficiently. It establishes a clear distinction between the codes and the associated comments, ensuring no one will get confused.


SonarLint is one of the best VS Code extensions for JS developers, allowing them to identify bugs and security errors faster. It runs in the background and continues to highlight any error in the codebase on the go. It supports 200+JS/TS rules and provides in-line guidance for the error cause and the best fixes. On top of this, it also comes with numerous quick fixes that automatically correct the code errors without manual intervention.


Whether JavaScript developers want to identify security loopholes faster or make the code more readable, these extensions are good to go. Once integrated, they make coding much easier and smoother for higher productivity, reduced code, and functional errors, and faster time to market.