Application is used to collect various geographical and biological information about different Fish Species and Generate Biomass Reports, The various modules are: Maptool: this module is
a Google Earth look like application which can be viewed in a 2D
or a 3D display, all the surveys made by the Research Vessel
(Ship) can be seen graphically on Map Display along with the
Depth Contours, Maritime Country Boundaries, and Coastlines;
Estimates are made and the Biomass is calculated for different
Fish Species, TrackLog: this module gathers Geographical data
from various marine instruments like Echo sounders, Weather
Stations, GPS from the Research Vessel, Briefcase: this module
is used to transfer the data from the Postgres database partially
or entirely into Paradox files and vice versa.
Project is very prestigious with regards to its importance of
ownership by FAO department of United Nations Organization.