The journey

The journey of 4,717 miles began on 21st March 2014 from the beautiful state of Goa to the Business capital of Europe. I and my colleague set sail as the flag bearers of UMANG to a new land.
First opinion
We had the first glimpse of London from the air on-board Boeing 737 jet, the view was spectacular. The High rise buildings, London eye, River Thames, world famous Wembley arc. We couldn’t stop smiling. The land was in midst of great industrial history and modern engineering marvels and medieval architecture.

London Eye

Expectation and actualities

As expected the life was fast paced, but smooth. We had to travel via London underground trains called simply the “Tubes”. The first ride on-board central line was great, though congested. Few minutes of riding and we were at our destination, Chancery Lane. With a little help from Google Maps we were in office for our first day. We were greeted warmly by the clients in a large sophisticated office, we couldn’t be happier.


We had met few people from London before we went to office for our first day. The people seem to be very friendly and nice. A smiling face saying good morning or just a hello in every corner you go. The people had lots to talk to you on football (their first love) and weather. They say in London the best way to break ice is to ask a fellow stranger about the weather or football.   We did come across a few rude people, but the cheerful and friendly people far outnumbered them.


Life is fast paced as in any other metro. For a person new to the city, every corner is like visiting some different part of the world. London has lots of cultural diversity. Being Goan’s, our eyes were searching for other Goan’s to hear words spoken in our mother tongue. People work there mostly on weekdays and weekends they head out to explore London, do some gardening or head out to a sunny place. There is a just lot to see. Walking round along a friend or a relative with a camera, you will not know when the sun went down.


The moment you get out of you room for work or a early morning walk, you will see people geared for work and briskly walking towards the nearest public transport. All dressed in formal from head to toe in the not so very cold weather, thinking when we will see the burning sun. The people seem very relaxed at work, all smiles and a coffee mug in hand, mouse in the other. They work hard but relax harder. Very different from what you get to see in India.

Offices are clean and casual in their settings. Once you start working you will hardly notice that a million people are on the move. Something are just too much to fathom for an Indian mind, just how they can be so cheerful towards the other person. They do go deep into the computer system but still have time to walk and get a cup of coffee and talk about the afternoon game between Arsenal and Tottenham.

Home away from home

I was very lucky to have relatives in London, They were there to help us in every need. Though their residence was very far away from our apartments, they still came all the way to guide us in the colorful city.

The Bucket list

Wembly ArcAlong with my cousins we explored a whole lot of London city, from east to West, North to South, Central line to Piccadilly line. Emirates Air Line to city   buses, Big Ben to the museum of Natural History, and the Tower Bridge to Arsenal’s Emirates stadium. From the iconic Wembley arc to the awe inspiring beauty surrounding the Greenwich. From the first shop in the western hemisphere to Mac D. Towards the last few days of our stay there was transport strike in London Tubes which gave us opportunity to explore even more places. We walk over 4 underground tubes station (Bank to Holborn).
With the bucket list full and bags full of chocolates and souvenirs. It was time to say good bye 🙂


London is a place booming with business, the place is very clean, a lovely place to be and work. The government provides lots of facilities to the people living there. The best for me was the transport; you can get in any corner of the city from anywhere fast and safe. The same I wished it would be same in India one day.
If I was given a change to live in a place for the rest of my life, I would close my eyes and choose…Our sweet little State of Goa.