It is very normal for anyone to receive a denial, unless you are the president of the United Nations or the Queen of England. Well, surely you and I certainly do not come in that bracket. Well then, what? Should you just walk away? Is it the final verdict? Does it mean that you have not presented it properly? 100%, absolutely, definitely NOT correct! (I know i could i used simply used NO).

I am not here to explain what you should do to get a YES! Or to explain how can you work a little better, not to get a NO! What i will do is show the same old movie in 3D or rather tell you the same old story with an extended version.

Every NO means something and every NO is with a hidden a Yes! Now let me narrow it down to the corporate world itself.  Have you ever given a thought as to why the salesmen are never entertained by housewives?? It is not that the Housewives are chemically designed to repel the salesperson; they probably don’t even know him. The simple reason being, a housewife doesn’t TRUST him!!… This could be one of the reasons to get a NO. The situation changes if Mary tells Susan that she is directing a salesperson to her place, just ‘cause she brought a dishwasher from him for an extremely reasonable price. Yet Susan does not trust the stranger but it is good enough for her that Mary does. Also in this every illustration and another factor that luminates, is of RISK. Susan may have listened or rather heard what the poor salesman had to say and then simply slammed the door in his face anyways. He would have got a slow and a progressive NO.

When is last time you asked for a pretty big favour and got yourself a yes!!??… Try and recollect if it was his Birthday, an Anniversary or the happiest day of his life or something close to that…?? To your surprise it works more than often. Yes!! Most of the people would want to take decisions or would not say NO, when their minds are less occupied. – Mind you, i said less occupied not free- No person would want to be disturbed on his vacation unless he is a Type A Personality. So, to point out another reason for getting a NO, one will have to look the other side. Yes! Exactly, if you are WORRIED OR TENSED, you would not want anyone to put you in a position even have to decide on your meal course. So it is quite obvious that the person would seem least interested in the proposal the others have for him.

We often say that the marketing people should have just about the right ATTITUDE. The same can be said about the prospective customers as well. Years ago when people were using IBM, people weren’t open for a small box of Apple that could do the work 10 times faster and without occupying the huge room like IBM. That is what I meant about the attitude. Quite frankly I think along with those people even IBM must have thought the same that it won’t work. But it did, of course it took its time, but Apple did bring a change. Now shadowing this attitude is PRIORITY. Both go hand in hand. Life was much easier than and much happier, Also slower and less competitive – Relatively of course.  The priority changed from not having an Apple PC to having one,  when a competitor was able to get his work down faster, without his employees memorizing every code to save a file to just commanding the computer on a click.

And finally another set of NO twins are MONEY and AUTHORITY. I say twins cause in corporate world they have to be in par with each other. No good will come if one exceeds the other. No Illustration is required as to how it works cause; person having resources will not be able to make the decision unless the person with the final Authority will say yes. And the vice versa is also true.

Now, that we have filtered the reasons why a NO, what can get you a NO and who can give you a NO it not at all difficult to look back at the same picture to find your way for a YES!