I was done with my project in python……. was in its UAT (User accepting Testing) stage…… Feeling relaxed….

Was called in the cabin…got one more task of learning new language Hypertext Preprocessor….PHP (Yeah..!! bring it On) Was just aware of  <?php    ?> syntax in php…nothing more than this..No worries, something new to learn..!!

One pure HTML website was with me and told to connect it to the database…did little RnD and came to know that, we need to have either java scripts or PHP to connect it to the database…

Started with w3schools for the basics…tried php codes…one of my colleague suggested me to use “XAMPP” server to run PHP  codes…

Done with basic php $programs…but main thing was left   echo “Database Connection”…

InstallingConfiguringDevelopingWithXAMPP  was really helpful for Database connection (I recommendation for newbie, from a newbie ;))


    mysql_connect(“localhost”, “mysql_user”, “******”) ;

   echo “yippee database connected”


  phpMyAdmin a handy piece of software to keep track of all you database stuff… (Thank God)

Got it checked from my BOSS……..thumbs up! Task dOne..!!

A thing about knowledge ‘the more you share, the more it grows’…So decided I should share my knowledge with my colleagues. Though I first thought of “SILVERLIGHT” as a topic for the knowledge sharing session, but then decided why not go for something that I just learnt and used. The topic was fixed finally  <?PhP?>.

Gave the seminar along with demos on the same…got appreciation….. 🙂

Now back to my work in “DELPHI”……. (DELPHI–>PYTHON–>PHP–>DELPHI)…. 🙂