In today’s world data is very critical more precious than gold or diamond. But some companies do not have proficient people to handle this data. This may lead to loss of business.
Extracting information from data is tedious task and skill is required to do this. At UMANG, we provide you best techies who can manage your data in very structured manner. Outcome is real time reports which can be used in faster decision making.
Data is spread across in various forms and structures which are unuseful for business. To make proper use of it data needs to be properly structured, scrutinised and saved at one place. Here the data warehousing comes for help. Datawarehousing is process of extracting and managing useful data from different sources and giving meaningful insights. It is process of converting data to information in timely manner to users.
Nowadays cloud-based technology has changed the business world, allowing companies to access and store data. The cloud offers many advantages: flexibility, collaboration, and accessibility frorn anywhere, to name a few. Popular tools like Amazon Redshift, Microsoft Azure SQL Data Warehouse, Snowflake, Google BigQuery, and have all offered businesses simple ways to warehouse and analyze their cloud data. The cloud model lowers the barriers to cost, complexity, and increases performance. It permits an organization to scale up or scale down to -—turn on or turn off —data warehouse capacity as needed.
The cloud data warehouse largely eliminates the risks endemic to the on-premises data warehouse paradigm. You don’t have to budget for and procure hardware and software. You don’t have to set aside a budget line item for annual maintenance and support. In the cloud, the cost considerations that have traditionally preoccupied data warehouse teams — budgeting for planned and unplanned system upgrades — go away.

Data is extracted from varied sources and transformed to the required format. After transformation data is stored in a data warehouse for reporting.

Data validations are done to get accurate results.

Complex data sources processing to remove inconsistent data.